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We went around to the basin on south west side of Castle Peak on the trail to Paradice Valley.  Found some pretty little basins with streams & lakes & meadows but all eaten bare by sheep.
Came back over the trail east & north of Summit House.  Saw a big Arctomys on rocks near the hotel.

[[underlined]] July 10 [[/underlined]]  Packed up & moved camp to head of Ampitheater 2 miles south of Donner to 7500 feet altitude.  Camped by little meadow near snowbanks under the hemlocks.
The two ridges running east & west & turning north from Lincoln Peak form a circular ampitheater that was once the rim of an immense crater.  The glacier has cut out the north side of rim, & woods and meadows now fill the gulch.  The remaining part of rim including Lincoln Peak, is lava & cinder & burnt rock.  Lava & volcanic rock extends south to Tinker's Knob at best.
Set traps in meadows near camp.