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[[underlined]] July 11. [[/underlined]]  Went over into valley of N. Fork American River above Soda Springs & around to south side of Tinker Knob, to look for trail to Lake Tahoe & see if the country was worth working.
Found 2 big herds of sheep & the grass all eaten off & country bare & dusty.  The pass over to Squaw Creek is very steep & rocky, & the timber lower down is mostly burned off.  Concluded not to move camp to this side.
Saw some bear sign but sheep have spoiled the country for wild things.

[[underlined]] July 12. [[/underlined]]  Went around north of Donner Peak & found a beautiful meadow & hemlock grove to camp in, above the hotel & station & overlooking Donner Lake.  It is one of the prettiest places to camp in I ever saw.

[[underlined]] July 13. [[/underlined]]  Moved camp over north of Donner Peak to little meadow below big snowbank at 7900 feet.