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[[underlined]] July 16. [[/underlined]]  Have been collecting around camp for 3 days getting Lagomys, Arctomys, Neosorex, Microtus etc.  Today I went down to Donner Lake where S. beldingi is common & got some to show whether typical.  The lake lies in Canadian zone at 6100 feet except a few Transition zone things on the dry, hot slope facing south.  An extensive grove of willows, murry pine & aspens at the west end of the lake forms good caves for mammals.  Saw rabbit tracks in the trails.  Some park like meadows near the lake are homes of numerous S. beldingi, Eutamias aemenus & serex, S. chrysodierus & Thomomys.

On return trip came by short cut to camp, up the slope over snow shed and around south of the rocky end of Donner Peak.  Had a hard climb down 2000 feet & back without getting much.

Killed a young woodchuck Eutamias serex & S. beldingi.  Took a lot of photos of rock slides & the glacier worn rocks in Donner pass & lower down of Pinus jeffreyi.