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patula, & other transition zone plants extend up the river to Lake Tahoe & along the west shore of the lake in dry, warm slopes. Libocedrus and a few Pinus ponderosa grow along the lake shores, the latter at Emerald Bay and Tallae. The rather barren burnt off & chopped off, east side of the lake with its dry, warm slope is undoubtedly as nearly pure Transition as the west side in Canadian, so the lake valley is a mixture on the edge of Canadian & Transition zones. The bulk of timber & shrubs along the west side of lake is of P. jeffreyi, P. murryana, Abies magnifica, A. loweana, Populus tremuloides, P. tric[[insertion]] h [[/insertion]]oc[[strikethrough]] b [[/strikethrough]]arpa [[trichocarpa]], Quercus vaccinifolia, Prunus emarginata, Ceonothus cordulatus, all Canadian zone species. The lake is 6225 feet and except for dry, hot slopes ought to be pure Canadian. The larger size of the basin valley, however, gives the affect of high baselevel.
The lake is neither an immense crater nor a glacial scoop. It lies between two ranges of mainly granite mountains and owes it basin