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[[underlined]] Fallen Leaf Lake [[/underlined]]
[[underlined]] July 30 [[/underlined]]
Followed a fairly good trail over the ridge to Cascade Lake & a road from there to Tallac - 6 miles in all.
Cascade Lake is a good place to camp with plenty of grass. Crossed big meadows near Tallac where the dairy cows range.
Got mail & supplies & went out to Fallen Leaf Lake & camped near middle of north west side.

[[underlined]] July 31. [[/underlined]] Rode up to Camp Agassiz but Price & his boys had gone around Lake Tahoe. Then rode up to Glen Alpine Springs + back to camp, almost encircling Fallen Leaf Lake.

[[underlined]] Aug. 1 [[/underlined]] Moved camp about 5 miles south to Myers, on Upper Truckee R. + camped in the big flat under Pinus murryana at edge of meadows. ^[[insertion]] (7300 feet) [[/insertion]] Set traps, hunted & wrote up notes.

[[underlined]] Aug. 2. [[/underlined]] Sent back to Tallac for mail & supplies.