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[[underlined]] back to Echo Lake [[/underlined]]

[[underlined]] Aug. 7 [[/underlined]]. Had to send to Sacramento for packsaddle so remained in camp at Smith Flat. Hunted hard for Eutamias merriami but found none & was told that no chipmunks were know this side of Sportsmans Hall. Went to Placerville again but found the saddles still had to be fitted up & could not get them until morning. 
Placer is a lively little town where the mining industry is yielding to the agricultured.

[[underlined]] Aug. 8 [[/underlined]] Went to Places & got saddles & then started on return trip. Came as far as Pacific & camped.

[[underlined]] Aug. 9 [[/underlined]] Passed Riverton & Slippery Ford & camped about 5 miles west of Echo at about 5000 feet, where Aplodontia holes were found. Set traps & caught a fine old male Aplodontia major.
This is in pure transition zone.

[[underlined]] Aug. 10 [[/underlined]]. Came past Echo [[insertion]] Lake [[/underlined]] & back to [[over?]] old camp near Audrian Lake.