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[[underlined]] Aug 11 [[/underlined]]
Took a tramp around by Echo Lake & to upper end. Then back over the ridge to camp. Climbed to peak on ridge at 9200 feet where I found abundance of Pinus albicaulis full of mature cones & also Saxifraga tolmiei & Oxyria digyna 
Had a fine view of the ampitheater of high peaks from Mt. Tallae around to Pyramid & of Echo Lake & Tahoe.
Found populus camps at both ends of Echo Lake & saw horses at the little lake to the west. Found the lake valley a very bare, rocky glacial trough with scant timber. The upper lake contains a dozen rocky islands & there are cottages on two of these.

[[underlined]] Aug. 12 [[/underlined]] Sunday.
Remained at camp most of the day. Heavy frosts every night - clear days.

[[underlined]] Aug. 15 [[/underlined]] Went down to old camp on [[underlined]] Upper Truckee River (4 mi. S. of Tahoe [[underlined]])
Camped & took horses into [[underlined]] Tahoe [[/underlined]] where I met Dr. Merriam & John Muir.