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was a daylight run over worthy new ground to me.  From Little Rock south to Marshall & thence west to near Wills Point the country is quite similar, being mainly flat forest coverd region with numerous [[strikethrough]] gentle [[/strikethrough]] sluggish streams, swamps & ponds. Occasionally the surfaces rises in low sandy ridges but much of it is perfectly flat except for the scattering, circular mounds. or water channels. 
   The forest would be continuous but for the small openings made for cotton fields, roads, or by lumber companies. In general the forest is dense & of good sized trees although in places scrubby & full of underbrush. There are some good stretches of pine, & a little cypress along the streams, but a great part of the timber is gum, oak, sycamore, & other species of small value. The following trees & plants were noted. [[underlined]] Taxodium distachum [[/underlined]], along streams from Little Rock to below Texarcana.

Transcription Notes:
Reviewed. Edited markup for consitency with other Bailey projects & in line with instructions. Made a few minor edits. Taxodium distachum = Vernon probably means Taxodium distichum The last word, Texarcana, should probably by Texarkana, but I left it as written--thomasc