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The full set of [[strikethrough]] Upper [[/strikethrough]] Lower Sonoran things including Larrea & Dipodomys spectabilis go across both ridges from the Pecos Valley to Sierra Blanca.  The tops of the ridges are more open & may carry a mixture of Upper Sonoran also.
Between Kent & Van Horn the R.R. crosses the south end of the great Salt Basin which closely resembles the Alamogordo Basin.  To the north it seems to be a Playa but along the south end is a grassy flat with much stock ranging over it.  There seems to be water in pools & at the west edge is a little house & windmill.
The whole country from Colorado City west is extremely dry, with little green grass or vegetation & even the leaves of the mesquite few & small.  There has been very little rain in the past 6 months.  There are few flowers.  rarely a yucca in blossom.  A few Larrea flowers seen.  Grass is scarce & closely eaten, especially west of Pecos.