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[[underlined]] May 9 [[/underlined]] Watched till 3 P.M. for outfit & meanwhile made lists of plants & birds & shot a few things for identification. Wrote letters & at 3 P.M. when the outfit came started west along the R.R. Followed up the valley & over ridge about 10 miles & camped in gulch leading down to Rio Grande just [[strikethrough]] at [[/strikethrough]] above head of rocky canyon, about 10 miles SE. of Sanderson. Broke the King bolt at 6 oclock which delayed us an hour & made a late camp but I got out a few traps for gophers. For the last 5 miles came over top of high mesa with its peculiar flora which is quite different from that of the canyons & washes. 
To understand the distribution of plants in the canyon country one must make a sharp distinction between canyon & mesa species, as they come into the region from different directions & in many cases belong to different zones. Of course the mesa species run over the walls of the canyons as the canyon species often seen.