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[[underlined]] May 14 - 17 [[/underlined]] 
Remained at the PeƱna Creek camp collecting & getting an outfit into working order. Got a good list of birds & some mammals, though all the gopher hills proved to be Cratogeomys instead of Thomomys.

Our camp is about 200 feet lower than Marathon on country sloping south. [[strikethrough]] Al [[/strikethrough]] The lower sonoran element is stronger than at Marathon and perhaps the dominant element. The list of plants is almost [[strikethrough]] almost [[/strikethrough]] wholly Lower Sonoran but this is their upper edge & most of the species are scarcer, dwarfed, scattered or on hot slopes.

The upper Sonoran element is merely grassy plains with scrub oak & juniper on the rocks, but no characteristic species of plants. unless the catsclaw - [[underlined]] Mimosa biuncifera [[/underlined]], proves to be upper Sonoran. It is abundant at Alpine & as I remember it [[strikethrough]] at [[/strikethrough]] in the Davis Mts.

Set aneroid at 4450 at Marathon - read 4350 at camp.

Transcription Notes:
I changed "developed" to "dwarfed" in the middle of the page.--thomasc