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[[underlined]] June 27 [/underlined]] Fuertes & I walked down to mouth of canyon - 2 miles from camp. Took photographs & explored it up 4 or 5 miles from the end.

The [[strikethrough]] canyon [/strikethrough]] river has cut its way down through about 1700 feet of stratified limestone as the rock rose slowly with a clean escarpment facing N.E. & a flat topped plateau dipping back to the S.W.  It has sawed this mountain in two from top to bottom & now runs as quietly as if its work was done.  About half way up the face of the escarpment & running back into the canyon is a jog out - a shelf that has caught the talus from above & stands as a leanto or shed roof along the line of the wall, probably marking a second rise of the escarpment - a second great fault after the first had been cut through by the river & the face worn back by the elements. 

[[image - rough sketch of the shelf]]  There is not much talus at the bottom of the cliff & the walls are