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the desert plants cling & grow unmolested by man or beast.  Cactus, agavas, yuccas, Fouquieria, a few Mesquites & acacias & here & there bunches of canebreak and willows on the shores, or tall baccharis bushes on the sand bars and a few tobacco trees trying to withstand the floods.
As we entered the canyon a splendid adult golden eagle flew across several times ahead of us.  Farther up a big Bubo flew from one shadowy cavern to another -  A couple of sparrow hawks were screaming & apparently feeding young near the top at the highest place - Fuertes heard the scream of a Buteo abbreviatus - Turkey buzzards were circling high along the cliffs & Great Blue herons stood on the rocks & sand bars.  Hundreds of white throated swifts darted overhead & went out & in the crevasses half way up the walls - A few