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Steep slopes of mostly slide rock. It too is a barren mountain though water is found in some of the gulches near its base & a few ranches are located near it.

The road runs over an uneven plain, or rather over the mesa of the west slope of the mountain plateau of the Santiagos etc. It rises gradually to the north but rises & dips with the ridges & valleys. At the west base of Ninepoint Mountain is an immense basin valley, apparently with no outlet & with miles of playa covered with a dense growth of good grass. This grass plain is apparently 10 or 12 miles long & 4 or 5 wide & with many branches.  The road crosses it. The soil is firm & not alkaline.

At the west base of Santiago Peak is another very similar basin valley of equal or greater extent, covered in the same way with good grass  The Butcher Knife Ranch & some other ranches are located on the edges of this valley where water is to be found. These grassy playas (and the one in the