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[[underlined]] Lizards [[/underlined]] -

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[[underlined]] Mammals [[/underlined]] were not numerous - Lots of Jacks ^[[insertion]]
 (Texensis) [[/insertion]] & cottontails ^[[insertion]] (arizonai) [[/insertion]] were seen before entering the canyon & tracks in the canyon. Prairie dogs are numerous from Alpine west across the big valley - and in the open country around Ft. Davis. One S. grammurus was seen in the canyon as he ran down a big oak tree & up the rocks. Cratogeomys hills are common across the valley & up the canyon.  I am not sure of Thomomys hills. Badger holes are common. A Spermophilus spilosoma was seen under a mesquite bush at Ft. Davis. A lot of Myctinomys came out of an old adobe house in Alpine last night & 2 were caught & saved. 

[[underlined]] Lizzards [[/underlined]] - are common - the little short tailed (uta?) ones are brown in Alpine valley and yellow on the Ft. Davis plains. 

A fine big Chrotophytus collaris baileyi was seen in the Limpia canyon near Ft. Davis. A medium sized Scaloparus is common on rocks in the canyon. A big Cnemadophorys was seen in lower end of Musquez canyon.

Transcription Notes:
Could he have meant Sceloporus? and Cnemidophorys? - nwmath