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The mountains are all coarse grained old lava, greatly eroded & cut into deep gulches & canyons. Mt. Livermore & the peaks around it are rocky & almost basaltic. The ridges are generally well covered with soil - more or less rounded. Covered with scrubby timber & good grass. Some of the slopes look solid green with scrub oak but generally the yellow grass gives half the color of the mts. The canyons are steep & cliffy near their heads & the cold gulches are generally packed with brush & trees. A little lower down the gulches open out with wide bottom land & good soil. Where ever water can be had there are good ranches. The whole Davis Mtn. plateau is excellent grass & stock country. Cattle & horses range to the tops of the high ridges where they can get water, but in many places no water is to be found for long distances. With a proper arrangement of tanks in the gulches all of the grass could be reached & the amount of stock greatly increased.