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[[underline]]July 17[[/underline]] - Caught 5 Neotoma micropus which are very numerous over the valley. Caught 2 of them at holes of Dipodomys spectabilis & consequently did not get any spectabilis. Caught one D. ambiguus, a Peromyscus like sonoriensis & Surber shot a S. opilosoma. Lepus arizonae & L. texianus are numerous, Cratogeomys hills are common on willow bottoms. Prairie dogs were seen last night near here, badger holes are common. 
Texas night hawks & white necked ravens are common.
While Surber hunted the horses I made up specimens & we got a late start - about 9 a.m. Traveled nearly north all day over open plains country of a dry, desert nature - barren mesas with scattered Larrea, zizyphus, & Koeberlinia, or wide flats with mesquite, acacia constricta, & cats claw, or else brushless & covered with dry grass that grew last year or year before. The country is very dry. No rain this year &