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nothing green except the bushes. The mesquites are full of unripe pods. & the acacia constricta are loaded with fruit. Koeberlinia is just in flower.
Found water at some big springs & several ranches 8 miles from Toyahvale & at a very rank alkalie spring about 8 miles from Toyah. Except cottonwoods at the first water place we saw no trees all day.
Mockingbirds, shrikes, cactus wrens, amphispizas, & calipeple are common most of the way. White necked ravens & mourning doves [[strikethrough]] and  [[/strikethrough]] are common at the water places. A few yellowheaded blackbirds were seen in Toyah, also purple martins & swallows & English sparrows. A few Otocaris were seen along the road.
Mounds of D. spectabilis are numerous all the way. A few jack rabbits were seen & one or two Lepus arizonae.
Reached Toyah about 6 P.M. & camped in feed yard - packed specimens & my baggage.
Came 25 miles.