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[[underlined]] July 18 [[/underlined]] - Had to wait at Toyah till 2:20 P.M. for train to Pecos Same kind of country all the way, dry, barren, mesa with Larrea, low mesquite, Baccharis, Acacia, yuccas, & cactus.
At Pecos went to ^[[insertion]] Pecos [[/insertion]] Valley Hotel a new & fairly decent place - & after supper took a long ramp over valley. Found mesquite beans ripe & in considerable abundance.

[[underlined]] July 19 [[/underlined]] - Had to wait till 1:55 P.M. for train to Carlsbad, so took camera & tramped north of town, Found nest of burrowing Owl & photographed it & owl & made list of food scattered around burrow. Photographed mesquite bushes & plains.
Found a pond around flowing well & saw 6 cinnamon teal, a black necked stilt, 2 yellows legs & lots of yellow headed blackbirds & some killdeer.
Same kind of country all the way to Carlabad, very dry except in two strips where rains had passed.