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[[underlined]] 1902. Jefferson [[/underlined]]

[[underlined]] June 12 [[/underlined]] Found nothing in our traps. Shot a Pilcotated woodpecker & made up our bats. Set a few mole traps. & in P.M. while Hollister set traps in woods for Peromyocus etc - I returned to old fields on the road back toward town to set traps.
Had a hard 10 mile tramp but found some good places

[[underlined]] June 13 [[/underlined]] - Went to my traps & found 2 Microtus pinetorum & Hollister caught a Perognathus paradoxis & a Peromysus gossipinus. Mammals are very scarce here, probably owing to the flat country that at times is largely flooded or very wet.

[[underlined]] June 14 [[/underlined]]. - Packed up & got an early start for Jefferson picking up any traps along the way, but missed the 10 oclock train south, so waited till 2 P.M. for train to Marshall. Arrived at Marshall in time for Hollister to set out a line of traps but I felt too weak after a hard chill & fever last night to go out.