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[[underlined]] June 29 [[/underlined]] Sunday - Sent Surber over to the Verde Valley to get Cary but he met Cary coming over & so got back before noon. Went to post office for mail, set a few traps & got Cary straightened out on his cataloguing & labeling.
A hot day. Not much accomplished.

[[underlined]] June 30 [[/underlined]] - Moved camp 3 miles up the river to a place a mile below the village of Ingram and 6 miles above Kerrville. Camped near the river under walnut & oak trees with rows of big cypress just in front of us & big hills & cliffs across the river.

In afternoon made out my months acct  - returned to Kerrville to send it & do some other business. Did not get back in time to do much other work.

Cary remained at camp, shot birds & made up skins & set traps.