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[[underline]] July 2 & 3 [[/underline]]  Caught Neotomas, Peromyscus & Mus tectorum? in drift along river flats. Birds are numerous along river bottoms.

[[underline]] July 4 [[/underline]] Gordon Donald arrived but returned to Kerrville to take back his horse & we will go after his outfit in morning.

[[underline]] July 5 [[/underline]]  Bought 2 more saddle horses & took them to town to be shod. Got supplies for the trip & brought Donald out to camp.

[[underline]] July 6 [[/underline]] - Sunday. Wrote reports & packed up specimens to send in morning & got ready for a start up the river tomorrow.

Barometer read 1760 at Kerrville, 1860 at camp, 2060 on  hills across river.

Transcription Notes:
"Neotomas" = packrats. "Peromyscus" = deermice. "Mus tectorum" (although he isn't sure of his identification) = now Rattus rattus (black rats) per ITIS. Source: