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[[underlined]] to Rock springs [[/underlined]]

[[underlined]]July 12[[/underlined]]. Caught only Peromyscus - a little one & a little Perognathus. Came on to Rock Springs - 11 miles over good road on top of ridge & same kind of country. The town is on the highest part of the highest ridge and is 2493 feet by Geol. Survey. Aneroid was reading 200 feet too high.

After getting mail & supplies we went out to the ranch of a Mr. Wade, 7 miles south of town & 100 feet lower & camped.

The country around Rock Springs is the same high - half open plains that we have found all along on top of the plateau a little more brushy & grown up in the region about town & out a few miles.  The country is said to be getting more brushy the longer settled.

The three species of scrubby oaks are by far the dominant shrubs. but there is considerable Rhus trilobata, & alata?, some juniper where rocks appear, a little mesquite in low basins & on open south slopes, also a little Berberis trifoliata, acacia [[space]] ?, Eisenhardtia amorphoides, Amorpha fruticosa, Diospiros mexicana,

Transcription Notes:
"Eisenhardtia" = Eysenhardtia "Diospiros mexicana" = Diospyros mexicana - nwmath I added "[[underline]] to Rock springs [[/underline]] above the date at the top of the page--thomasc