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[[underlined]] to 20 miles of Juno [[/underlined]]

[[underlined]] July 17 [[/underlined]] - Got only Peromyscus & Perognathus paradoxus & a little Perognathus [blank space]] in traps.  Made up skins & started at 8:30. Continued on the Sonora road N.W. about 4 miles to within 2 miles of Wheats Ranch, then turned to the south down a draw for about 9 miles to another ranch about 300 feet lower, then turned west up a side draw & camped [[strikethrough]] at [[/strikethrough]] ^[[for]] lunch at 2400 feet. The bottom of these draws & hot side slopes are mainly Lower Sonoran, with abundance of mesquite, Condalea, Zizyphus, Yucca macrocarpa, & Dasylerian, the first of the two last [[lines showing previous two words should be reversed]] ^[[to be]] seen in abundance.

Continuing after noon to the S.W. we climbed to the top of the plain again at 2600 feet where all is Upper Sonoran, then descended another draw to a ranch in the Whitehead pasture where we got water for the night & then after turning up another draw we camped 2 miles beyond the ranch at 2400 feet. We are 20 miles from Juno. Came about 27 miles today. 

At camp we are in mainly Lower Sonoran with abundance of mesquite & other zone bushes, but on the ridges above us is mainly scrub oak & Juniper.

Transcription Notes:
Zizyphus = Ziziphus Dasylerian = Daslirian I changed "[[/insertiob]] seen" to "[[/insertion]] seen" at the end of the 1st paragraph--thomasc