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Aneroid read 3800 at Cottonwoods last night, 4400 on one of the ridges we crossed & 4000 at our nights camp. We followed along the east slope of the Pinyon hills & were crossing ridges & valleys all the way, sometimes down in pure Lower Sonoran & again up on the ridges or on cold slopes in pure Upper Sonoran in forests of Junipers, big Opuntia arborescens, [[Microrhamos??]] & Nolina. In the valleys & on south slopes Larrea, Mesquite, Acacia constricta, Zizyphus, & other Lower Sonoran species predominate.

Birds are numerous & mainly migratory such as Calamospiza, Bartramia, numerous sparrows & warblers & such breeding species & mockers, Harporhyncus redivivus, & Pucea cassini & Amphispiza bilineata.

Prairie dogs are numerous in some of the valleys, coyote & badger & Lynx tracks are common. Cratogeomys hills are seen all along in mellow soil but no Thomomys. Neotoma

Transcription Notes:
"Zizyphus" = Ziziphus (buckthorn). "Pucea cassini" = Peucaea cassinii (Cassin's Sparrow).