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side & oaks, maple, ironwood, Pinus ponderosa, strobiformis, edulis, Pseudotomys, Juniperus pachyphyloea & occidenlatis, Amelanchier, Circocarpus betulayobes, & "microphylla", Ceanothus, Philadelfpys, Agave splonata to top, Yucca - etc-

Birds were the same as last year with no additional species.

Eutamias canipes are common & tame. but I didn't shoot any for fear of scaring bigger game. Saw several S. Grammurus & saw Thomomys hills to top of peak. Hollister caught an [[Amosponophilus interpres??]] near camp. Urocyou are numerous. Saw a few bear signs. Saw one large blacktail buck near crest of range at 8000 feet.

The stomachs of the two mountain sheep were full of leaves & seeds mainly of the little leaved Cercocarpus, also lots of seeds & leaves of wild onion, Philadelphus leaves & seeds, & a few traces of grass stems & leaves.

Transcription Notes:
"Juniperus pachyphyloea"=Juniperus pachyphylla? - "Circocarpus betulayobes"=Circocarpus betuloides? "Philadelfpys"=Philadelphus? - nwmath