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[[underlined]] Woods Tank. [[/underlined]]

[[underlined]] Sept. 4 [[/underlined]]. Hollister caught & Onychomys & Surber shot a coyote that came almost into camp. After a cold, rainy night we did not try to get an early start, but gave the skins & our beds a chance to dry off.

Started at 9 & in about 3 miles up the valley left the bulk of Lower Sonoran plants at about 4800. A trace went up south slopes to 5000. We met Juniperus occidentalis and Agave aplonata at 4750 feet with abundance of Nolina, Dasylirion, the low yucca over the open grassy slopes. At Woods Tank, the next ranch 7 miles up, scarce a trace of Lower Sonoran remains.

We follow an easy grade up over grassy slopes between long ridges to the N.E. all day in plain view of the whole length of the Guadalupe Mts. to the south & the timber covered slope of the south end of the Sacramento Mts. to the north. The line of mts. is broken by this low part of the range but scattered timber of juniper nut pine & oak scrub reaches in strips & patches across the gap

Transcription Notes:
"Agave aplonata"= Agave applanata? - nwmath