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[[underlined]]To Agency of Ruidoso. [[/underlined]]

[[underlined]]Sept. 12 [[/underlined]]- Followed down the road about 5 miles & came to Agency instead of Ruidoso & found we had taken the wrong road. Turned back over another summit of 7900 & down a long valley to the east to the store at Ruidoso at 7000 feet, - 16 miles from the agency at north edge of reservation. Then turned up Ruidoso Creek about 6 miles & camped at 7300 feet.

Have been in yellow pine transition zone all day except at the agency & Ruidoso where nut pine & juniper cover the warm slopes. The country is all open woods & big grassy parks but without water till we struck Ruidoso Creek half a mile beyond the store.

This is a large creek coming out of the White Mts. & watering the valley below. It has clear water - evidently contains fish as a kingfisher flew from its bank.