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[[underlined]]Canadian zone:[[/underlined]]- Covers the cold slopes from about 8000 feet to 11000, but only the upper part of the peak on the warm slope, from about 10000 feet to the top. It is marked by Abies [[gap]], Picea [[gap]], Populus tremuloides, Pinus strobiformis, & in part by Pseudotsuga, Acer grandidentatum, Acer [[gap]] (strawberry leaf), Quercus [[gap]] (lobed leaf)

[[underlined]]Hudsonian zone:[[/underlined]] - Covers the N.E. slope of the peak from about 11000 or 12000 feet to the summit & is characterized by dwarf Picea [[gap]], & numerous small plants - see note book. 

Also by Nucifraga columbianus, Myadestes townsendi, Anthus [[gap]],

[[underlined]]Mammals:[[/underlined]] Of the White Mts.

Mr. Winfield says that the last elk were killed near about 10 years ago but some were reported seen farther south only 6 years ago. Other later reports of elk seen or tracks of elk he does not credit. Blacktail & Whitetail deer are both common. There are no sheep but Mr. Winfield says there are sheep in the San Andreas Mts. 100 miles west of here.