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[[underlined]] N. [[/underlined]]

[[image - drawing of mountain range, creeks, and roads beginning in the White Mtns going east to Ruidoso along the Ruidoso Cr.  to the Hondo R.; then Agency, southwest of Ruidoso, with Elk Spring & Saw Mill south east of Agency; Silver Spr. Cr. and Elk Creek south of Elk Sporing & Saw Mill, with Cloudcroft south west of Silver Spr. Cr.]]

Mescalero Indian Res.
Our route [[wavy red line]]
Water - [[wavy blue line]]

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[[start page]]

Sciurus [[space]] are common, also Entamias campes ^[[up to 12000 feet]], Neotoma fallax? was caught at our camp at 7500 feet & nests seen in rocks above 10000 feet. Microtus swarm over the sides of the mountain to the very top, probably 2 or 3 species. Marsh hawks were hunting them over the high slopes. Peromyscus are numerous in the timber & apparently up near the peak. Thomomys  are numerous all over the Mts. to the very top of Sierra Blanca. 2 or 3 species of bats were collected at our camp. Black & brown bear are common. We saw fresh tracks & a skin of one killed a few days ago by Mr. Wingfield, who says a few silver-tips also live around the mountain. Lynx are common. Mr. Moor at Ruidoso says the indians catch a few beaver in the creek every winter.