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[[underlined]]to Amarillo to Goodnight[[/underlined]]

The Staked plains are dry & brown & in many places closely grazed. Apparently there has been considerable frost. Liatris & Guterrizia are almost the only flowers.

Five antelope were seen between Herford & Dawn & a bunch of 9 between between Canyon & Amarillo. A coyote was watching the herd. [[strikethrough]] at[[/strikethrough]] Around Portalis & at other places across the plains good crops of sorghum & capper corn are raised for feed. The gulch bottoms especially are farmed near Herford & Canyon & yield good crops.
Reached Amarillo at sundown.

[[underlined]]Sept 22[[/underlined]]. The train was late so I started for Goodnight at 8 a.m. instead of 5:20. Found smooth, short-grass plains with ponds of water here & there till east of Cloud – where the country breaks down rapidly with gulches, & heads of canyons near Goodnight & mesquite in the gulches. Andropogon also becomes the conspicuous grass on south slopes and scissortail flycatchers are common in Mr. Goodnights yard. A sharp escarpment appears to the S.W. with trees & bushes

Transcription Notes:
"Guterrizia" = gutierrezia - nwmath