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cattails & tules. The water is not very clear & I can not learn how deep it is. Apparently there are fish in it, as something kept jumping out in water. There were 2 ring neck ducks & 2 bluewing teal.

The third pool is just over the ridge from the last in the bottom of a deep pit in the rocks but is small & shallow. Just a pond about 75 by 150 feet & surrounded with tall cattails, tules, & reeds (Phragmites). It had a coot & blue winged teal.

The lake is just over the next ridge in an inclosed basin without outlet. It is two lakes joined by a shallow neck, the smaller one being nearly surrounded by rock walls.

[[image - drawing of the two lakes, largest to the left]]

The whole thing is probably half a mile long & half as wide. Has no outlet. It is full of minnows.

I shot a ruddy duck & swam out for it near the neck & found shallow water 4 or 5 rods from shore. There were lots of shovelers & blue wing teal in