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[[underlined]] Santa Rosa [[/underlined]]

[[underlined]] June 5 [[/underlined]]. Took a long ride over the high plains east & south of camp to see the country & look for horses.

Found little of interest. Saw a few jack rabbits & cottontails & plenty of meadowlarks & shorelarks. Found a Chondestes nest on ground under catsclaw bush.

Set a line of Perognathus traps under stones & cover to keep off the rain, but a hard shower in evening flooded the ground & washed off the bait & spoiled the whole line.

[[underlined]] June 6 [[/underlined]]. Went to town & advertised for horses. Evidently they have been stolen, but I am told that a reward will soon bring them back.

It seems to be a regular business here to run off horses for a reward. In afternoon worked around camp but did not accomplish much.

[[underlined]] June 7 [[/underlined]]. Sunday. The horses were brought into Santa Rosa by a Mexican early this morning. Said he found them about 3 miles from our camp.