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[[underlined]] June 12 [[/underlined]]. Another rainy night & cold rainy day with scarcely a break in the drizzle. Sent Surber back to Santa Rosa for harness & supplies. Caught but little. Wrote reports and tried in vain to keep warm & dry.

[[underlined]] June 13 [[/underlined]]. Rained most of night but cleared up during the day with more wind. Still cold & muddy but the ground is drying off fast. Surber returned at noon, but we decided to remain here until morning as the roads are very sticky.

[[underlined]] June 14 [[/underlined]]. Sunday. Rained again in morning from before daylight to about 8 oclock & then partly cleared with cold raw wind & showers all day. Broke camp and made about 15 miles on the Tucumcari road and camped close to the high point that runs farthest north on the northern escarpment of the Staked Plains about 25 miles S.W. of Tucumcari. Camped on edge of juniper & nut pine forest by creek. The The high, timbered point rises 1000 feet above us.