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[[underlined]] June 21 & 22 [[/underlined]] On the road to Tucumcari Surber killed a fine large Chrotophytis collaris? & saw some Callisaurus. Cnemodophorys are common at camp.

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[[underlined]] June 21 [[/underlined]]. Moved camp down the creek about 4 miles to near the N.E. corner of Mesa Rica & camped under a grove of Sapindus trees between two juniper ridges. Started Surber to Tucumcari with the team & buggy for mail & supplies.

Staid around camp & set traps. Saw an old Coyote go to her den and feed a rabbit to her young ones, one of which came out in sight from under the rocks. It was not half grown.

A clear, hot day with a storm in evening to the N.E. of us.

[[underlined]] June 22 [[/underlined]]. Left Weller to work around camp while we took saddle horses & went N.E. to the Canadian River. Found it about 12 miles from camp in a rough, picturesque canyon The river is up, roaring & muddy.

Found chipmunks in the canyon & killed 2, saw coon tracks & on the way over saw & heard Callipepla and Pucea cassini on the plain.

A clear, breezy, cool day.

Transcription Notes:
"Chrotophytis collaris" = Crotaphytus collaris? "Cnemodophorys" = Cnemidophorus ? -nwmath