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[[underlined]] June 24. [[/underlined]] Weller found the horses before breakfast about a mile from camp and we got an early start on the road. Came back to near Cabra Spring & camped and sent Surber to Santa Rosa for supplies.
Our camp is about 3 miles west of Cabra Spr. under a row of old cottonwoods along a dry wash that is now a creek of gurgling muddy water. There is lots of good rainwater in rock tanks. 

Rained a little & blew hard in evening. 

[[underlined]] June 27 [[/underlined]] Surber returned about 6 P.M. with mail and supplies for the trip.

No rain to speak of. 

[[underlined]] June 28. [[/underlined]] Sunday - With a horse to be shod, the buggy repaired and a few skins [[strikethrough]] was [[/strikethrough]] to be made up we were all kept busy in the morning and did not get off until 10:30. Returned to Cabra Spring & then west to Gallinas Spring & camped. Climbed over high plains to 6200 feet and down again to 6000 at camp. Came about 18 miles.
A clear, warm, breezy day without rain. Saw no mesquite after leaving Conchas Creek valley.