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and in places extends down across the road. We could see douglas spruce up on the steep N. slope but saw more down near the road. The top of Mesa ranges from about 1000 to 1500 feet above us, very steep & abrupt. Numerous streaks show where timber has been slid down it from the top.

The blue juniper of which I found one tree yesterday has become common. 

We saw no water all day except a seep spring at Pajarito & a little in the run where we camped at night. Did not come near the river. [[strikethrough]] valley [[/strikethrough]]

A cool day with a hard wind in our faces all day, clouds of dust & sand made travelling disagreeable. We lost much of the beauty of the country along the way by the disagreeable weather. 

Set traps on the sandy flat along creek and shot a prairie dog that proved to be [[underlined]] ludovicianus [[/underlined]].