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Populus tremuloides, Acer glabrum, and many other species fill in.
On the way up passed El Macho an old, almost abandoned Mexican village, and camped a mile above the mouth of Esparito Santo Creek & a mile below the mouth of Willow Creek.

[[underline]] July 12 [[/underline]], Sunday.
Continued up the valley about 4 miles and camped on a beautiful flat just below the fork of Pecos & Mora rivers, under beautiful cottonwoods (Populus angustifolia).  Found that we were in the land of SeƱor Christino Rivera, who kindly told us to stay as long as we want to. 

[[underline]] July 13 [[/underline]]- Rode up the valley to Willis, the post office at the head of wagon navigation.  Learned from Mr. Windsor, the post master, that he bought the place from the Nelson brothers who built the ranch house and lived there for a while.  The Windsors also knew Mr. Henshaw when he was collecting birds here.