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Heavily timbered slopes lie back of us (mainly spruce, balsam & poplar) but the grassy parks cover as much of the higher part of the Mts. as does the timber.  Numerous cattle & horses range below us and above at timberline, but along here the grass is almost untouched.  Is full of ripening seeds & could not be better feed for horses.  The flower season is at its height & parks & meadows are dotted with sunflowers, Heleniums?, asters, Erigerons, Achilea, Sisyrinchium, Linum perenne, Campanula, Calochortis, Dodecatheon, Vetch, yellow & red Castiliyas & most wonderful of all a great azure blue Aquilegia with a flower 2 or 3 inches across. 

Strawberries are abundant & big enought to be  worth picking.  The creek is full of trout & apparently no one has camped in here this year. 

Spent the rest of the afternoon in building an ideal camp.  Had a good mess of trout for supper.

Transcription Notes:
"Achilea" might be Achillia "Castiliyas" might be Castillejas