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[[underline]] July 23 [[/underline]] Walked up to the little lake on east side of Pecos Baldy, about 1000 feet above camp, all the way through beautiful woods & meadows till we came out in the open timberline country, of scattered dwarf trees & big grassy & flowery slopes. Found herds of horses ranging high up & jumped a white tail buck from a willow basin above the timber. 

[[underline]] July 24 [[/underline]]. Sent Surber down after grub, which had been sent up to Windsors so he did not have to go to Pecos for it. 
We remained at camp setting traps, making up skins etc.

[[underline]] July 25 [[/underline]]. Went about 4 miles down the ridge to get Rufous hummers that I saw the other day & killed a beautiful pair. 
Our catch this morning included 2 species of Sorex, Microtus mordax & Eutamias.