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well sheltered by the rocks above it and stacked up on the old "stack bottom" of last years supply.  The fresh lot included almost every species of plant growing among or around the edge of the rock slide & was bright with flowers of Pentstimon & Senecio.  There was considerable grass [[strikethrough]] besides [[/strikethrough]] of which I recognized 9 different species (timothy, stipa, wild rye, red top, foxtail & others), besides Carex, thistle, larkspur, Aralea, Achilea, Aster?, Erigeron, Aquilegia, Pentstemon, Veratrum, Potentilla fruticosa, Potentilla gellida?, Geranium, Polygonum, Hiracleum, Aralea & Helenium.

In another stack higher up & on a N.E. slope at 12000 feet, there was mainly red clover, timothy and other grasses of which 2 species were additional to those I noted in the last stack.  It had also a few Caltha leaves, Saxifraga alpina?, Geum rossii, Silene acaulis, & a dwarf Cymopterus.

My hour spent with the coney does not represent his mornings work.  He was busy when I arrived at 8 & still when I left him at 9

Transcription Notes:
Herachum - maybe this is Hieracium I think it is Hiracleum - nwmath