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[[underlined]] Sept. 12. [[/underlined]]  Broke camp early after a very cold night and traveled down the Moreno Valley to the north about 6 miles, to the Taos road, then west to a mile east of Taos Pass and camped in a sheltered, timbered gulch at 8700 feet (about 300 feet below the Pass).  The Valley is big & open & park like, 5 to 10 miles wide & apparently 20 or 30 miles long.  It is semiarid & covered with bunch grass.  Gutierrezia euthamiae & Bigelovia canescens & seems like a nevada desert valley, but streams & meadows cut through it & long park like areas run up into the timbered mountains on both sides.  A gale of wind is blowing & it is so cold we were glad to get into the timber to camp.  Ice formed 1/4 of an inch thick last night & the mountain peaks of the Cimarron & Taos Mts. were white with snow this morning.  It seems like fall.

Cynomys gunnisoni abound all over the valley & we saw a S.13 linealus pallidus & lots of badger holes.

Transcription Notes:
Cannot verify Biglovia or Bigloria