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[[underlined]] Sept. 13. [[/underlined]]  Sunday.  Sent Surber to Taos for grain & grub - about 15 miles.

[[underlined]] Sept. 14. [[/underlined]]  Hunted all of forenoon, crossing divide and following up to a high peak on it from which I could see the Taos Mts. and away south over the range and over the Moreno & Rio Grande valleys on the east & west.  The country has all been heavily forested but is now a waste of burned logs & aspen brush as far as you can see up & down the range.  A few patches of timber stand where the fire has missed it and in the lower part of Transition zone the big Pinus ponderosa has not been killed.  Apparently the country has been burned to make more grass, but not enough soil was left to raise grass & the burned slopes are mainly worthless.

Transition zone runs over the top of the ridge (about 9000 feet) on warm slopes with Canadian on the cold slopes down to 8700 feet.  Our camp is at 8700 & the open bottom of the Moreno Valley is about 8500.