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[[underlined]] Taos Mts. [[/underlined]]  

Odocoileus luminous,   com.
[[ditto for Odocoileus]] macrurus, said not to be here but 12 mi. south
Ovis ?
Sciurus momexicanus - abn
S. Lateralis   2 seen Sept. 20,
Eutamias quadrivittatus   1 at 8700 feet.
[[ditto for Eutamias]] (yellowbellied)   abn from 8500 to 12000.
Peromyscus   abn.
Microtus nordax    8700 & up
[[ditto for Microtus]] modesta?   1 at 8700 & 5 at 8500
Phenacomys  one at 8000 in gulch
Neosorex   2
Lepus bairdi   com.
[[ditrto for Lepus]] pinetis  2
Thomomys   abn.
Arctomys    at 12000 feet
Ochotona    [[ditto for at 12000 feet]]

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[[underlined]] Sept. 17. [[/underlined]]  Took a horse & started up the mountain in morning & rode an all days trip, reaching one of the group of peaks that is about 12200 feet high & well above timberline.  As near as I could judge the next peak is about 400 feet higher and the one beyond near 1000 feet higher, or about 13000 feet. [really 13145]

From camp at 8800 feet up to 11000 feet the slopes are mostly burned off and now lie a dry [[strikethrough]],[[/strikethrough]] tangle of dead spruce trunks, young aspens, brush & weeds with here & there a young spruce or pine.  The slope shows nothing of zones, save from its dry, hot barrenness which carries Transition zone weeds up to its edge at 11000 feet, at least on southern exposures.  On my return I followed another ridge where I was able to get a good set of upper limits of Transition zone plants on unburned ground, and found the edge to be approximately at 9400 feet on S.E. slope.

At 11000 feet I struck into unburned Canadian forest of Picea englemanii, Abies lasiocarpa, and in wind [[strikethrough]] up [[/strikethrough]] swept spots Pinus pr. aristata - all of which reach to 

Transcription Notes:
"Picea englemanii" = Picea engelmannii - nwmath