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[[underline]] Oct. 9 [[/underline]] Caught a bag full of Neotoma & other things, hurried up the hill to the old hotel & made up specimens & took stage at 2 P.M. for Saline. Set traps for Neotoma at Saline, which is 6571 feet at Depo.
Saline is also in Transition zone with only a trace here & there of upper Sonoran on hot slopes. A few junipers are almost the only Upper Sonoran thing.

[[underline]] Oct. 10 [[/underline]] Caught 5 Neotoma fallax, took up traps & Caught the train at 7:23 A.M. for Boulder, arriving there about 8:30. Made up specimens & in P.M. Went about 2 miles up into mouth of canyon & set traps for Neotoma among the rocks.

Boulder is on the edge of the plains close against the tall rock cliffs & spurs that form the foot of the Mts. A crust of uptilted red sandstone rises at the edge of town & back of this old brown granite forms this rough, steep, foothill slope.

Transcription Notes:
"Saline" might be Salina