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[[underline]] Boulder [[/underline]]

The valley about the town is irrigated & mainly in a fine state of cultivation well out onto the plain. Boulder Creek Canyon is narrow & rough with rocky slopes.
Apparently the town is at the very junction of Upper Sonoran & Transition zones. Low round topped Pinus ponderosa cover the foot hills down to the edge of the valley and a few junipers occur on the rocky slopes among them. Populus angustifolia is the main tree along the creek but boxelder grows at the mouth of the canyon. Rhus glabra is abundant in the canyon & over the foothills. It is brilliant in color. The plains & valley plants are little guide to the zone but apparently are mainly Upper Sonoran. Much fruit is raised, apples, plums, pears [[strikethrough]] etc  [[/strikethrough]] & lots of grapes.