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[[underlined]] Taos Mts. [[/underlined]]

Aug. 2. Packed up & moved camp down to the meadow only 2 miles above Twining and at 10800 feet. Here the canyon slopes north with steep slopes about 2000 feet high on each side, so the bottom is practically a N.E. slope. Most of the plants of the meadow are Hudsonian species. So are many of those of the woods, while on the slope east of us where it turns toward the southwest the aspens run 500 feet at least above us. In the bottom of the gulch they do not come up to 500 feet below.

[[underlined]] Aug. 3 [[/underlined]]. Set traps near camp but it rained so much of the day I could not do much.

[[underlined]] Aug. 4. [[/underlined]] Gant arrived in evening

[[underlined]] Aug. 5 [[/underlined]] - Sent Sun Elk to Arroyo Seco for supplies