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[[underline]] To Questa [[/underline]]

[[underlined]] Aug. 12 [[/underlined]]
Moved camp down the river about 4 miles and camped on top of plain at south edge of Hondo Valley. Toll gate camp 7900 feet, Valdez 7700, camp on mesa 8000.

Took Sun Elk & went over to Taos for supplies & to send specimens. We are about 10 miles mainly due North of Taos. 

[[underlined]] Aug.13 [[/underlined]]- Remained at camp, hunting and trapping in river valley & out over plain. 

[[underlined]] Aug. 14 [[/underlined]] - Broke camp & followed down the river about 2 miles to crossing where an old brewery used to be kept by a Frenchman who was killed by the Indians at the same time as Governor Bent. Then followed up a long dry wash to the north to Agua Lobo, then down to San Cristobal, then up again to Lama, then down to near the Red River between the mouth & Questa. Came about 20 or 25 miles through