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down along [[strikethrough]] N old  [[/strikethrough]] cold slopes to the Rio Grande. Up the canyon yellow pine extends to about 9000 feet on S.W. slopes but Pseudotsuga & Pinus flexilis reach to 10000 S.W. in abundance. The ^[[upper]] slopes of the canyon become too stony & rough for [[underlined]] ponderosa [[/underlined]]. The town of Red River is in a mixture of Canadian & Transition.

[[underlined]] Canadian zone [[/underlined]] - comes down in the canyon on steep N.E. slopes & gulches to about 8500 feet - a trace to 8200, but begins on S.W. slopes at about 10000 feet.

[[underlined]] Hudsonian zone [[/underlined]] shows a trace over summit at Anchor mine at 11000 feet in meadows & on cold slopes. 

The whole Red River valley is densely forested except where the bottom widens out into meadows & fields and where the slopes have been burnt. Much of the timber is valuable for lumber & young forest is rapidly covering the burns.

Pinus flexilis deserves special mention from its abundance &