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thickly timbered except where burned off. Aspens form a large part of the Canadian zone timber. Pinus arristata is abundant in Hudsonian with Picea engelmanii & Abies lasiocarpa (or arizonica), but it also grows on exposed rocky or barren gravelly soil lower down in the valley.

The whole set of Alpine & Hudsonian zone plants occur on top of the range - same as in the Taos Mts. but fire & sheep have played the mischief with zone plants as well as rare species.

See note book for list of plants on top. If our aneroids are reading correctly timberline is steadily increasing in height to the north, being here 12600 on S.E. slope and 12800 on S.W. as an extreme limit. This may be due to error in barometer readings or to increase of base level. The big valley on the east of the range lying from 9400 to 10700 feet & the San Louis valley on the west at a high level.